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          3. 详细说明

            中藥配方顆粒對COVID-19的防治作用出口招商項目簡介 Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 with Chi

            • 商品說明




                 遼寧上藥好護士藥業(集團)有限公司隸屬于世界制藥500 強、中國第二大制藥集團—上海醫藥股份有限公司,是其控股子a公司,坐落于中國·遼寧省本溪 市,注冊資本5000 萬元,年銷售8 億元。公司具有100 年中藥制藥歷史,主營中藥配方顆粒、中成藥、保健品等。












            【服用方法】早晚各一次,一次1 袋,開水沖服,服7-10 天。





            【服用方法】早晚各一次,一次1 袋,開水沖服,服7-10 天。



            【處方組成】香薷15g、炙甘草6g、杏仁9g、生石膏15~30g(先煎)、桂枝9g 、


            紫菀9g、冬花9g、射干9g、山藥12g、枳實6g 、陳皮6g、藿香9g














            Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 with  Chinese Herbal Formula

            Granules by SPH Liaoning Herbapex Pharmaceutical (Group) Co.,Ltd.

            Brief Introduction of Export and Investment  Promotion Project


            1. Enterprise Introduction

            Liaoning Herbapex Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. is affiliated to

            the world's top 500 pharmaceutical companies and China's second

            largest pharmaceutical group Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding

            Co.,Ltd.. It is the controlling subsidiary of Shanghai

            Pharmaceuticals Holding Co.,Ltd.. Located in Benxi City, Liaoning

            Province, China, Liaoning Herbapex has a registered capital of 50

            million yuan and annual sales of 800 million yuan. The company

            takes pride in its 100-year history in Chinese herbal medicine

            industry, and it is mainly engaged in Chinese herbal formula

            granules, proprietary Chinese medicine, health products, etc.

            2. Introduction of Chinese Herbal Formula Granules

            Chinese herbal formula granules originate from traditional Chinese

            medicine decoction pieces, also known as decoction-free traditional

            Chinese medicine or decoction-free granules, and are upgraded

            products of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces. This

            medicine is easy to take, and its curative effects are rapid and

            targeted. Besides, it is risk-free and hygienic. It is equipped for use

            in major medical institutions in China. In this epidemic situation,

            Chinese medicine formula granules have been widely used by

            medical staff and patients nationwide, playing an important role in

            epidemic prevention and COVID-19 treatment. Our company can

            produce a large number of Chinese medicine formula granules for

            a long time, with excellent quality and guaranteed supply.



            3. Project Introduction

            At present, the COVID-19 epidemic has been effectively controlled

            in China, yet the epidemic is breaking out and spreading quickly

            across the world. Under such circumstances, our company plans to

            export the Chinese herbal formula granules that played an

            important role in the epidemic situation control in China to other

            countries and help with the fighting against COVID-19. Draw

            experience from China's anti-epidemic measures, taken the factors

            of environment, climate and race of different regions into

            consideration, and learned from anti-epidemic and epidemic

            prevention prescriptions of Chinese herbal medicine issued ,

            namely COVID-19 Prevention Formula No.1 , COVID-19

            Prevention Formula No.2, and Lung-clearing and Detoxing

            Decoction. We hope to export in the form of compound

            prescription to meet the needs of different customers. Besides,

            customized processing is also available.

            Specific varieties are as follows

            (1)Inflammation-Eliminating Formula(COVID-19 Prevention Formula No.1

            [Source of Prescriptions] Hubei Province Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for


            [Composition of Prescriptions] Rhizoma Atractylodis 3g; Flos Lonicerae

            Japonicae 5g;Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 3g; Rhizoma Phragmitis 2g;

            Folium Mori 2g;Radix Astragali 10g;

            [Indications and Usage] Invigorating qi for consolidating superficies, clearing

            heat, detoxificating and clearing damp.Prevention of COVID-19.

            [Dosage and Administration] One pack per day, mixing it with boiling water.

            Drink the decoction twice a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

            Continue this treatment for 7-10 days.

            (2) COVID-19 Prevention Formula No.2

            [Source of Prescriptions] Hubei Province Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for


            [Composition of Prescriptions] Raw astragali radix10g; Roasted atractylodis

            macrocephalae rhizome10g; Saposhnikoviae radix10g; Dryopteris

            crassirhizomae rhizoma6g; Lonicera japonica flos10g; Eupatorii herba10g;

            Citri reticulatae pericarpium6g

            [Indications and Usage] Prevention of COVID-19.

            [Dosage and Administration] One pack per day, mixing it with boiling water.

            Drink the decoction twice a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

            Continue this treatment for 7-10 days.

            (3) Lung-clearing and Detoxing Decoction

            [Source of Prescriptions] COVID-19 Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (7th Edition

            for Trail) issued by National Health Commission of Parties prescription is also

            recommended by National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

            (This prescription has achieved phased progress during screening effective

            prescriptions of traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Clinical observation in

            pilot provinces shows that the total effective rate of Lung-clearing and Detoxing

            Decoction was more than 90%.)

            [Composition of Prescriptions]Mosla herba15g; Glycyrrhizae radix et rhizoma

            praeparata cum melle6g; Armeniacae semen amarum9g; Raw gypsum

            fibrosum15-30g(decoct first); Cinnamomi ramulus9g; Alismatis rhizome9g;

            Polyporus9g; atractylodis macrocephalae rhizome9g; Poria15g; Bupleuri

            radix16g; Scutellariae radix6g; Pinelliae rhizoma praeparatum cum zingibere

            et alumine9g; Zingiberis rhizoma recens9g Asteris radix et rhizoma9g; Flos

            farfarae9g; Belamcandae rhizoma9g; Dioscoreae rhizom12g; Aurantii fructus

            immaturus6g;Citri reticulatae pericarpium6g;Pogostemonis herba9g.

            [Indications and Usage] This prescription is universally applicable,

            favorable for patients with mild, general and sever symptom. In the

            treatment of critically ill patients, it can be adopted according to actual


            [Dosage and Administration] One pack per day, mixing it with boiling water.

            Drink the warm decoction twice a day with one in the morning and one in the

            morning (40 minutes after meal). Each treatment course included three packs.

            4. Investment Promotion Principle

            1. Investment promotion area seek partners worldwide, targeting

            Europe, America, especially countries in Southeast Asia and South


            2. Targets of investment promotion companies or individuals with

            rich resources for the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine in

            the target areas;

            3. Price Policy Price negotiable.

            Person in charge of investment promotion

            Yue Jinli Contact Number0086-13190496999

            Zhang Wentao Contact Number0086-13942482595





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